Tomato Varieties For Texas
Here are many of the tomato varieties recommended by Texas A&M horticulturists and local tomato growers in-the-know. Below the list is an explanation of attributes of some of the recommended varieties.
If you would like to recommend other varieties for the list, send an e-mail message to Randy.
- Early Bingo (VFFTASt)
- Early Carnival (VFNT)
- Early Celebrity (VFNT)
- Early Heatwave (VFStTMV)
- Early Merced (VFStTMV)
- Early Sunmaster (VFStASC)
- Late President (VF)
- Late Sunny (VF)
- Late Surefire (VF)
- Early and Medium Size Fruit -- Surefire (VF)
- Small to Medium Size Fruit -- Porter Improved
- Small to Medium Size Fruit -- Porter's Pride
- Small to Medium Size Fruit -- Red Cherry Grande
Small to Medium Size Fruit -- Small Fry (VFN)
[V resistant to verticillium wilt; F resistant to fusarium wilt; N resistance to nematodes; TMV resistant to tobacco mosaic virus; St resistant to stemphylium (gray leaf spot)]
Other Varieties Recommended By Local Tomato Experts:
Better Bush, Improved:
- Indeterminate. Good producer of large fruits.
- Big Beef:
- Indeterminate. Large fruits that are crack-resistant with great taste.
- Carmello:
- Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
- Dona:
- Indeterminate. Always a solid producer in my garden. Great taste.
- Floramerica:
- Indeterminate. Made for hot weather. Another very popular tomato for Houston.
- Jet Star:
- Indeterminate. Very productive in my garden. Good flavor.
- Wild Texas Tomato:
- Indeterminate. This is the most flavorful tomato I grow. The fruits are a little smaller than a marble, but packed with flavor. Usually the first and last tomato of the season. Reseeds freely. Don't miss this one.
Fall Recommendations
- Better Bush, Improved:
- Indeterminate. Good producer of large fruits.
- Big Beef:
- Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
- Bingo:
- Determinate. Dark red color.
- Camello:
- Indeterminate. Very productive. Great taste.
- Carnival:
- Determinate. Good producer. Good taste and large tomatoes.
- Celebrity:
- Determinate. Heavy producer. Very dependable in Houston.
- Champion:
- Indeterminate. Bred as just the right size for a hamburger tomato.
- Dona:
- Indeterminate. Always a solid producer in my garden. Great taste.
- Jet Star:
- Indeterminate. Very productive in my garden. Good flavor.
- Miracle Sweet:
- Indeterminate. Large plants. Great taste.
- Sweet Chelsea:
- Indeterminate. Very sweet cherry tomato.
- Terrific:
- Indeterminate. Good producer.
- Wild Texas Tomato:
- Indeterminate. This is the most flavorful tomato I grow. The fruits are a little smaller than a marble, but packed with flavor. Usually the first and last tomato of the season. Reseeds freely. Don't miss this one.
Comments from Texas A&M Horticulturists
Proven TOMATO Varieties (Heat & Cold Setting)
- Heatwave - (V,F,St,TMV) (Peto Seed Company, Abbott & Cobb Seed Company) - the standard heat-setting large-fruited variety in recent years. The plant is semi-determinate and vigorous. Stem cracking is minor with this variety.
- Surefire (GS 12) - (V,F) (Northrup King Seed Company) - the fastest maturing, heat-setting tomato producing abundant medium (2-foot to 4-ounce) fruit of excellent eating quality. It is the only heat-setting tomato for producing abundant ripe fruit when planted for fall production in northern areas of Texas. For more information about Surefire visit aggie-
- Sunmaster - (Peto Seed Company) (V1, F1, F2, St, ASC) is resistant/tolerant to verticillium wilt (race 1), fusarium wilt (races I & II), stemphyllium and alternaria stem canker. In 1996, we considered Sunmaster as a replacement for Heatwave, seed which was thought to be unavailable. Sunmaster produced more fruit than Solar Set, Sunny, HeatMaster and Heatwave in Florida and Texas. Sunmaster has a "sweeter" flavor. Some people enjoy its sweeter flavor and other people dislike it because of their preference for a slightly more acid flavor. Produces high yields of large uniform fruit. The globe-shaped fruit is very firm, has uniform green shoulders and excellent color and flavor when ripe. The vigorous, determinate plant produces harvest-ready fruit in approximately 74 days after transplanting in spring or summer (since it is a heat-setting tomato).
- Merced - (V,F,St,TMV) (Northrup King Seed Company) WE BELIEVE THAT MERCED IS THE HIGHEST QUALITY TOMATO VARIETY AVAILABLE TO US AT THIS TIME. The first crop of big, deep-globe shaped tomatoes will be ready to harvest in 75-80 days from transplant in the spring. Since it is not considered to be a heat-setting tomato, days-to- harvest will depend on weather conditions in July, August and September. Merced has fine appearance, firmness and flavor. Merced's firm, smooth-shouldered fruit ripen to a uniform bright red. The delicious flavor delivers satisfaction -- it has a very likable, "this is how a tomato should taste" flavor. Field test results from Florida, California and Texas show that this variety has what it takes: (1) wide adaptability (2) resistance to verticillium, fusarium (races 1 and 2), stemphylium and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (3) deep globe-shaped tomatoes with a meaty, rich texture. It is much firmer, of higher quality and meatier than other commonly used varieties such as Celebrity.
[V resistant to verticillium wilt; F resistant to fusarium wilt; N resistance to nematodes; TMV resistant to tobacco mosaic virus; St resistant to stemphylium (gray leaf spot)]
NOTE: Heatwave, Surefire , SunMaster varieties have been observed to set fruit well at day temperatures over 92 degrees (F) and during periods of extremely hot nights. Tomato breeders have shown that incorporating the gene for heat-setting ability also strengthens cold-setting ability. These known heat-setting pepper and tomato varieties can also be planted in spring to ensure that many fruit are set during cool spring weather.
Randy Lemmon is the host of the GardenLine radio program on Newsradio 740 KTRH. Randy has been doing GardenLine in one capacity or another since December of 1995, for all three of the now Clear Channel AM stations - KTRH, KPRC & KBME. When Randy took over GardenLine, he replaced long-time Houston radio veteran and GardenLine originator, Bill Zak. For those who remember that far back, GardenLine was a weekly radio staple on KTRH from 10 a.m. to Noon Mondays through Fridays - along with a Saturday show as well. Now GardenLine is heard exclusively on Newsradio 740 KTRH on weekend mornings. |