I’m referring to are Fertilome’s Weed Free Zone and Bonide’s Weed Beater Ultra. The phone called concerned me because, while the temperatures are finally correct to be able to use such products, the method of application is important as well. And I’ll cover that topic in detail a bit later.

Years ago, before the advent of these herbicides, broadleaf weed control in December, January and February was pretty much non-existent, because the herbicides that are normally used for broadleaf weed control can actually kill St. Augustine and Bermuda lawns if used at the wrong times of the year.
So, along comes Carfentazone-based Fertilome’s Weed Free Zone, and the art of weed control in the cooler months is now being perfected. But there are some caveats that must be respected for these herbicides to work properly.
First is the temperature range: Carfentazone-based herbicides work best between 45-75 degrees Fahrenheit. That means now that the coolest days we’ve had so far have subsided, and while we are not as warm as we once were at the start of December, the time is now to use these weed controls. Secondly, much like any herbicide we talk about using along the Gulf Coast, the need for a surfactant is still important. If you’ve never heard me talk about this important step, please read this tip sheet from our Archives.
But, besides the temperature range and the need for a surfactant, the other important step would have to be “HOW” it is applied. You should use either a pump-up sprayer or a hand-held trigger sprayer. Since these products are sold mostly in concentrate, it should make it easy to use a pump-up or hand-held sprayer.
Avoid the use of Dial-N-Spray at all possible costs because you cannot be as precise with the spray. And over-use of such products on the entire yard, can cause a yellowing of the grass. So, spot treating is paramount with these controls.
There are some concentrates available in a “Ready to Spray” formula that you hook on the end of the hose. And while I would prefer you use the pump-up or trigger sprayer method, if this is the only thing available, please do it but with extreme caution and concentrate on that spot treatment. That means you’ve got to be quick on the switch with the ON and OFF lever.
One final reminder about these herbicides, and that’s that they are specific for broadleaf weeds. So, if you’ve done a poor job of following the Pre Emergent part of my Fertilization Schedule you may well have things like Clover. This means you have permission to spot treat with these Carfentazone-based herbicides. Another weed that these herbicides work well on would be Virginia Buttonweed. But they will not control any “grassy” weeds.
Randy Lemmon is the host of the GardenLine radio program on Newsradio 740 KTRH. Randy has been doing GardenLine in one capacity or another since December of 1995, for all three of the now Clear Channel AM stations - KTRH, KPRC & KBME. When Randy took over GardenLine, he replaced long-time Houston radio veteran and GardenLine originator, Bill Zak. For those who remember that far back, GardenLine was a weekly radio staple on KTRH from 10 a.m. to Noon Mondays through Fridays - along with a Saturday show as well. Now GardenLine is heard exclusively on Newsradio 740 KTRH on weekend mornings. |