Tip Sheets



Broadleaf Weed Control


Cool Season Herbicide Weed Control

Core Aeration


De-Thatching – Do I or Don’t I

FAQs on Newly Sodded Yards

Gray Leaf Spot

Iron for Turfgrass

Kill-Till-Fill & Sod

Lawn Fertilization Schedule



Organic Lawn Fertilization Schedule

Removing Bermuda

Sod Webworms Armyworms Cutworms

Solving Yellowing Grass Delima

Spreader Settings

St Augustine Grass Going to Seed

Surfactants in Weed Control

Take All Patch

To 15-5-10 or Not Early Season Fertilization

To Winter Rye or Not

Too Much Chlorine in Irrigation

Virginia Buttonweed

Watering Rules


Ball Moss

Bananas (Trees) Getting Fruit

Crape Myrtles

Crape Myrtle Massacre and Other Pruning Myths

Dormant Oil & Scale Control

Fall Webworms in Trees

Fungus in Mulch Rings

Holes in my Tree = Sapsuckers!

Insect Galls

Leaf Miners


Magnolias Being Planted Too Close to Foundations

Magnolias: Love/Hate Relationship

Mimosa Tree: The Beauty and The Beast!

Oak Leaf Roller

October Great Time to Plant Trees

Southern Pine Bark Beetles

Trees: Deep Root Feeding

Trees: Pruning 101

Trees: Randy’s Dozen Best

Trees: Planting Technique

Vitex: Alternative to Crape Myrtle

Webbing on Trunk of Tree

White Powdery Mildew


10 Under-Utilized Shrubs

Albutilon (African Hibiscus)

Antique Roses

Azaleas 101

Bougainvillea 101

Cuban Golden Duranta

Drought Tolerant Plants

Drought Tolerant Shrubs for Houston

Fungus in Mulched Beds

Getting Rid of Bamboo

Hibiscus Bud Drop

Lace Bugs in Azalea/Lantana

Plants that Like Wet Feet!

Prolonging Crape Myrtle Blooms

Rose Pruning

Rose Pruning on Valentine’s Day

Roses 101

Sago Palm/Common Mistakes

Sago Palms 101

Sago Palms/Cycad Scale

Shrubs: Planting Technique for Trees/Shrubs

Soil Surfactant Near Beds

Sweet Almond Verbena

Texas Mountain Laurel

Tropical Freeze Protection

Vitex (Chaste Tree)

White Powdery Mildew

Insects and Diseases

Assasin Bugs

Assasin Bugs (Good Guys!)

Bark Aphids

Bark Lice

Black Sooty Mold

Black Thrips on Ficus

Cactus Questions?

Camel Spiders? Real or Myth?

Chinch Bugs

Cicada Killer Wasps

Fall Webworms

Fire Ants

Flea Treatment (Natural) for Dogs

Homemade Insect Killer

Homemade Mosquito Controls; Myth or Fact?

Homemade/Organic Scale Control

Insect Galls

Lace Bugs

Leaf Miners on Citrus

Life After Dursban

Love Bugs

Mealy Bugs

Mosquito Control

Oak Leaf Roller

Sago Palm Cycad Scale

Scale Control

Sod Webworms, Armyworms, Cutworms

Spiders Get Bad Rap

Sugar Ants/Pharoah Ants

Take All Patch

Termites Not Tempted by Most Mulches

White Powdery Mildew

Annuals and Perennials

Bullet-Proof Perennials

Coleus: Don’t Let Them Seed

Dividing Bulbs & Perennials

Kong Coleus


Pride of Barbados

Roses 101

Thrillers, Fillers & Spillers – The Art of Container Gardening

Wildflower Seeds Must be in by October



Fruits and Vegetables

August = Time to Start Fall Veggies

Avocado Care Sheet

Blossom End Rot

Fall Tomatoes

Fall Webworms in Trees

Fruit Tree (Stone & Others) Varieties

Peach & Plum Spray Schedule

Timely Tomato Tips & Building Beds for Veggie Success

Tomato Horn Worm

Tomato Varieties

Upside-Down Tomatoes

Year-Round Fruit in Backyard


Argument Against Atrazine

Beware Sunday Supplements

Composting Autumn Leaves

Drought Tips

Email Hoax on Termite in Mulch

Gutters? Yes or No!!

How to Choose a Landscaper

Hummingbird Season

Indoor House Plants Made Easy

Orangics vs. Synthetics


Pine Cone Chemical Treatment

Poison Ivy Control

Propagation Made Easy

Spreader Settings


Tomato Varieties


Yard Talk Between God & St. Francis

Randy Lemmon is the host of the GardenLine radio program on Newsradio 740 KTRH. Randy has been doing GardenLine in one capacity or another since December of 1995, for all three of the now Clear Channel AM stations - KTRH, KPRC & KBME. When Randy took over GardenLine, he replaced long-time Houston radio veteran and GardenLine originator, Bill Zak. For those who remember that far back, GardenLine was a weekly radio staple on KTRH from 10 a.m. to Noon Mondays through Fridays - along with a Saturday show as well. Now GardenLine is heard exclusively on Newsradio 740 KTRH on weekend mornings.